Solidgoldmonthly for August

August 18, 2003

It's a jungle out there! The purpose of this ezine is to guide you through the swamp and onto the mountaintop. Life is a journey; Solidgoldmonthly is here to bring provisions and guide maps to assist you in finding the path of success.

Our trip to Las Vegas last month was not one of our best trips. It was my fault that we missed the plane and ended up sitting in the airport for five hours. My stomach insisted on breakfast and I thought we had enough time. Wrong! Then the airline lost Carolyn's luggage for a day so she was not very happy with me.

I did make up for it on our 31st. anniversary last weekend. We took a trip to Helen, Georgia and stayed at the Black Forest Bed and Breakfast right on Main Street. No scenic view but the rooms were wonderful and the best breakfast ever.

Thank you for agreeing to receive our ezine. Please feel free to forward this issue to your friends. Comments and article submissions are always welcome. Our email address is If you wish to subscribe or view past issues please visit our website at Solidgold Home Business If you have not already downloaded your fr*e ebooks the email addresses are below.



Article - The Death of the Loyal Customer

Fr*e L*ng Distance Service - What a Deal!

Tired of all those cr*dit card offers?

Mars - Once in a lifetime

Computer Tips - Free virus and firewall software

Stop spam from your ISP

Interesting Links

Frequently asked speeding ticket question

Free Ebooks


The Death of the Loyal Customer

By Wayne Patterson

One of my classes in management focused on the repeat customer. The course stressed the importance of the repeat customer to the financial welfare of the business. We spent hours discussing ways to turn "first time" buyers into repeat customers. This is not a new concept. We’ve all heard the term "the customer is always right". And then there is the movie we watch every Christmas where Macy tries to out "customer satisfaction" Gimbel. I prefer to take that concept one step further with what I consider the most valuable asset of a business, the loyal customer.

The loyal customer is one who will buy your product or service even when it is more expensive or at a personal inconvenience. The loyal customer is one who will recommend you to his competitors. The loyal customer is one who will stand up and defend your company against unfair comments. The loyal customer is one who will teach his children to purchase your product or service because they can depend on your company treat them with fairness and honesty. The businesses of America, large and small, have been built on the backs of the loyal customer.

In his inauguration address, President Bush stated, "as citizens we must uphold the principles of civility, courage, compassion, and character that a civil society demands from each of us". Civility is a word we don’t hear much anymore. As companies have merged and as pressure from investors has increased, businesses have lost their civility. The concepts of respect and fair dealing that have been the cornerstones of American business are crumbling.

In the age of the computer and voicemail, companies are ignoring the fact that on the other end of the line is a living breathing person. They will spend millions on advertising to gain a new customer and then banish them to what I term "Customer Service Hell" cmplete with elevator music.

Take the case of Denise in New Mexico

" I have been MORE than patient with Dell Computer Corporation. It has taken me 6 months, a minimum of 100 hours of my time, 20 different people, 10 phone calls to service, 5 to the rebate ripoff department, close to 30 mails, several faxes, daily blue screens which switched to daily black blank screens, all three drives not working, still not receiving a confirmed rebate on a machine I ordered in August, 2002, an ordered part I've yet to receive, two individuals saying they will call RIGHT BACK who still haven't called, and problems growing on an EPPurchased machine literally by the day ~ to get THIS upset.

I'm sick of being jerked around by large corporations who make it impossible to reach their corporate offices who are only interested in SALES and could care less about SERVICE."

Then there is my own personal experience with Nextel. My company was spending a substantial amount of money with Nextel and we loved the phones. However, customer service was non-existent. I once spent four hours on the phone with six different " customer service representatives and was hung up on when I asked to speak to a supervisor.

No answers were received to my faxes or letters. Voice mails to my local salesperson went unanswered. Even the letter from our attorney was never acknowledged. Needless to say we now have another cellphone provider.

These examples point to an alarming trend. Businesses are focusing on gaining new customers and failing miserably to turn these new clients into loyal customers. They have lost their civility, not only with their customers but with their employees as well.

What can you do? If you believe like I do then take these beliefs and make a difference. Acknowledge that the people that you come in contact with are living breathing persons and treat them with goodness and respect. If you can’t do that in your present position then its time for you to make a change. As President Bush continued, "Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe In ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves". Let’s resurrect the "Miracle on 34th. Street".


Free L*ng Distance

I have talked to you about the excellent service and low rates from Excel Communications. Now it is even better than ever. With the MyLine complete which features UNL*MITED LONG DISTANCE! for all in-state & state-to-state calls in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Saipan and Mariana Islands for only $49.95 per month. Sign up online at



Tired of all those Cr*dit Card offers?

Credit bureaus can release your credit information only to people with a legitimate business need, as recognized by the FCRA. For example, a company is allowed to get your report if you apply for credit, insurance, employment, or to rent an apartment. In addition to the uses described above, lenders and insurers may use information in your credit file as a basis for sending you unsolicited offers of credit or insurance. This is known as "prescreening." However, you have a right to opt out of these offers. The toll-free number - 1-888-567-8688 - is the "opt-out" line for the major credit bureaus for "prescreened" offers only.



This will be a once in a lifetime event.

The Red Planet is about to become a spectacular sight! This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history.

The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.

The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be the brightest except for the moon in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification

Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10 p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.

By the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m.

That's pretty convenient to see something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So, mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month. Share this with your children and grandchildren.

No one alive will ever see this again.


Computer Tips

The recent computer worm underscores the need for a virus scan and firewall. Here are free links to some of the best for fr*e.

Firewall /znalm/freeDownload.jsp

Virus scan by Vcatch

The Internet Service Providers all advertise what they do to prevent spam. What they forget to mention is all of the spam that comes from them. For example did you know that when you sign up for AOL that you give them and anyone they want to give the rights the permission to telephone, write, and email you with offers?

To stop their spam you need to opt out. In AOL go to settings, preferences, and then marketing and set everything to NO. Other ISP's have similar settings.


Interesting Links information about hoaxes, chain letters, urban myths and other bogus information being routed around the Internet.


Do you love Graphics? No, not a page full of graphics, but the neat stuff people can do to change a picture.

Be sure and Check out Martha Stewart's new digs!


I'm a Newbie-Not a Dummy Free computer advice and ebooks

Newbie club

Buying or Selling a home? Check out the advice at

Homes in South Carolina


Frequently asked speeding ticket question

Q. I just received my first speeding ticket in many years. Should I just to pay my fine and get it over with?

A. NO! You should always contest a speeding ticket. For insurance purposed traffic tickets stay on your record for a minimum of three years. That is a long time and anything can happen. Your first ticket may not make any difference in your premiums but the second certainly will. If you drive a company vehicle this is even more important since insurance companies are tightening up on who they will allow to drive a business vehicle. Three tickets on your record and you can kiss your job goodbye.

The best way to contest a ticket is to be a member of

Pre-Paid Legal



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Thank you for sharing your time with us. We know that you receive a lot of email and that your time is valuable. We hope that you will find the information in Solidgoldmonthly worth reading and that you will continue to allow us into your lives.

Please visit our site often as new features are added on a regular basis. Wayne and Carolyn