Teenage Drivers

Here's what is at stake: Teenage drivers are more likely to die in an auto accident than by any other cause.
Speeding or driving too fast for conditions is a factor in 37 percent of crashes involving 16-year-old teenage drivers.
What can you do?
Children emulate who they respect. If you drive at excessive speeds with your 16-year-old in the car, why shouldn’t they? Set an example. Obey the law.
Make it clear moving violations are unacceptable and that there will be serious consequences. Set the consequence now as a preventive measure and stick to it. Ban use of radar/laser detectors. Do not allow your teen driver to borrow your high-performance vehicle.
For more information and tips on being the parent of a teen driver visit
Night Driving
Approximately 50 percent of teenage motor vehicle deaths occur between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Night driving can foster behavior such as speeding and joy riding.
What can you do?
Only let your teen borrow your car once you’re certain your child can drive comfortably both night and day. Limit the passengers allowed in the vehicle, and you’ll limit the number of distractions Make sure there’s a destination. Forbid drinking and driving. Make it clear that one transgression will mean the loss of driving priviledges.
Unfortunately the parents of a teenage driver often find themselves in need of legal assistance. Teenage drivers are often singled out by police where an adult committing the same offense is ignored. It is hard to blame the police who too often later see that same teenage driver in the back of an ambulance. For the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have someone on your side that you can contact day or night.
Personal to Other Parents
This website started as a resource for truckers having problems with their CDL license. Then several tragedys involving teenage drivers devastated the families of our friends, neighbors, and relatives. NO is the strongest word in the English language and one that we all fail to use often enough with our teenagers. If you say it often enough they will listen.
Chris Thelkie-Chris was red headed and full of laughter. He lived with us while attending college and then moved to Flordia. Chris and four of his friends were returning from a party late one night and only two survived. Chris was in the backseat and would been alive today if he had been wearing a seatbelt or if he had simply refused to ride with a driver that had been drinking.
Ryan Vilcheck-Nineteen years old and with his whole life in front of him. Driving, drinking, speeding, and a curve are a deadly mix. Again the wearing of a seatbelt could have saved a life.
Family friend-Sixteen years old and may not walk again. He also has to carry the burden of the other driver who did not survive. I was also involved in an accident where someone did not survive. It is not a burden that you want anyone else to have to bear.
Jeffrey Roberson-On leave from boot camp over the Christmas holiday. Lost control and hit a tree. Again wearing a seat belt could have saved a life. "He was one of those kids that everybody loved. That's one of the things I am going to miss most about him-his legacy. He was my only child."
Richard Carver-Richard was a friend to several of the people we know. Nineteen and out with a friend on their
bikes. Richard tried to run from the law and lost his life on a curve. A heavy price for just a speeding ticket.
Litsa Karageorgis-Litza was on her way to her 40th. wedding anniversary when a 15 year old driver lost control due to speeding and crossed the center line. Vehicular homicide charges are pending.
Bobby Richard Welch, Jr., was killed on his motorcycle on August 4, 2001. "My son will be forever 18 years old. This horrific event has changed Bobby, Jr's. families life forever. My son was given a death sentence and his parents were given a life sentence." For a picture of Bobby and full story
Bobby Welch, Jr.
My wish is that this page and the following links may be a useful resource for parents and teenage drivers.
Many states will allow a driver to take online driving school and keep the ticket off your teenager's record. This can save you hundreds of dollars on auto insurance and is usually the best option. To see if allowed in your state, click on the banner below. Be sure to get approval from the clerk of court.
Many states now require specific training prior to issuing a drivers license to a teenager. Be sure to check the local laws in your state. The following states have approved an online course:
Florida, Texas, California, and Nevada
Click on the banner below for the best online teenage driver training school.
Does your teenage driver need legal help? Have a question about the effect just one speeding ticket will have on your auto insurance premiums?
We can help you with any legal situation, not just speeding tickets.
Teen Driver Insurance
You need to be aware of the danger of trying to save money on teen driver insurance by either not listing your teenage driver or only purchasing minimum insurance.
If you do not disclose that your teenager is a driver the insurance company may decline coverage. This means that you will be liable for any damages and that the insurance company will not provide an attorney to defend any lawsuit. This can lead enormous personal debt and/or judgements. In some states judgements can be collecting by garnishing your wages.
Purchasing only minimal coverage can be almost as devastating to the family finances. If your teenager is involved in a serious accident you can expect a lawsuit whether they were at fault or not. In today's society no one can predict what verdict will be returned by a jury.
You should consider purchasing an umbrella insurance policy that will cover many other situations for which you may be liable in addition to auto claims. I have spoken to numerous parents who wish they knew such policies were available.
It is possible to maintain adaquate coverage at a reasonable rate. We recommend the following site to save money on your teen driver auto insurance.
Usually speeding tickets are one of the first signs of problems. Here is a link if you need more assistance.
Help for Troubled Teens
Resources for the single parent
Single Parent Central
Search for More Teen Driving Help
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